How to get logs my little blacksmith shop
How to get logs my little blacksmith shop

how to get logs my little blacksmith shop

So I did some research and decided to try IF because I don’t naturally like eating breakfast and I never have, and it just worked! I lost weight on both, but IF took it to the next level and I also felt amazing. I think it had sped up my metabolism which is good because before it was a snails pace. It started out well, but after about a month or so I started to always be hungry. This helped me hugely! I started out eating similar to Anna Saccone‘s way of eating, with breakfast, snack, lunch, snack and dinner with desert here and there. This relates to how you’ll fit food into your routine, you don’t have to do intermittent fasting, but you need a plan for how your food will fit in with your lifestyle. This was probably the most helpful thing for me because it stops you binging too, which I struggle with. It’ll also make you more aware of how certain foods make you feel and what you do and don’t like. This will help you to have set meal times and make you mindful of what you’re eating. This is simply what worked for me! So if you don’t like the scale or these tips, then find what works for you! There’s always a way:) I used the scale to help find that balance, and I’ll tell you more on that below. You also need to realize that weight loss isn’t maintenance, you’re supposed to be in a caloric deficit so you won’t be eating as much as you usually would. This doesn’t mean having to cut anything out, it just means smaller portions of foods that cause you to gain weight and choosing the healthier choices where you can. The trick is doing it in a way that works for you and realizing that you need to not just feed your body, but fuel it.

how to get logs my little blacksmith shop

You just need to eat less that you usually do. In a nutshell, it all comes down to this: if you burn more calories than you use, you will lose weight. I’ll also be showing you my favorite recipe’s and the basics of healthy eating, at least in my view. This post will just show how I lost/am losing the weight and then I’ll do more about what exercises I incorporated and all that in a separate one. Sound familiar? Don’t worry! That’s exactly why I’m writing this, so that you can see exactly how I did it, coming from someone who is most likely, exactly like you! I can’t meal prep, I can’t go to a gym because I move around a lot and I am not a good cook. I knew I needed something sustainable, but when people say you need to make a lifestyle change to lose weight in a sustainable way, they’ll often follow it with ‘cut out this and that, don’t eat this, change your whole way of living’ and that’s also just simply not realistic for me. Why? Because those diets for me just are not realistic or sustainable. I really wanted to do this post because if you watch my YouTube channel or know me, you’ll know I’ve been wanting to lose those 25-30lbs for ages and it was such a struggle! I have tried everything from supplements, military diet, bodybuilding diet, juice cleanse, vegan if you can think it, I’ve probably tried it and I can say they don’t work for me to lose more than 5kg’s and keep it off long term.

How to get logs my little blacksmith shop